As we close in on the end of our Graphics class, I thought it appropriate to have a little hands on project. While walking down the cereal isle we are infiltrated with graphic design trying to attract our consuming taste buds.
Take a close look at a cereal box and you will see hours and hours of work there. We will take on PART of this process for our final Illustrator project.
In this final lesson we are bringing actual cereal boxes into class. We will deconstruct them so they are flat, one dimensional designs. This will become our Illustrator Template.
Next, we will lay it flat and photograph the box.
This image can be brought into Adobe Illustrator where we will draw a path around each side, fold and angle of the box.
Once this is finished. You can turn off the visibility of the background image layer. This leaves you with the framework for your template where you will create your own design.
As you can see, you can begin with a background artwork for your template.